Aikido in Odessa is presented quite diversely. But the time when there was only one aikidoka, the founder – O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba has passed away. Today the one who wishes to explore the world of self-perfection & searching for truth by means of Aikido has a hard task to find the right way of training. So before to deside you have to come and try… In any club there is always a system of approbation. But not only in the beginning of the way. Necessity of trials through the spirit of dojo and sincerity of the aspirations should be present constantly. The  aikido club “Hagakure”  has been created in1994. It is the only one, from the first generation of clubs in Odessa, which exists till now. Following the unshakable traditions of Aikido, we are in the constant search of  new methods of self-improvement of the person.  

       Vitalii Korenetskyi (4-rd dan Aikido Aikikai) is the main instructor & the permanent head of the club. He is a student of  the Yasunari Kitaura, 8-th dan Aikido Aikikai, shihan of the Cultural Association Aikikai of Spain   Our club is the head in the structure of the Cultural Association Aikikai of Odessa, that was founded in 1998. 5 instructors take part in the organization and conduction of the educational process. All of them are certificated by the The Kharkov State academy of physical training .  


Dojo adresses and timetable (adult groups):

1. Major adult group (Shevchenko avenue 23а): Main AKAO Dojo. Odessa National University in honour of I.I. Mechnikov - Gym №1

     Monday-Friday at 19.30     

     Instructor - Korenetskyi Vitalii, 4th dan Aikido Aikikai. 

2.  Elementary group TAIKEN (Shevchenko avenue 23а):  

     Tuesday, Thursday - 17.50 - 19.30; Saturday at 14.00 - 16.00

      Instructor - Korenetskyi Vitalii, 4th dan Aikido Aikikai.


 Seminars are organised on a regular basis. It is a kind of intensive training when people from other dojo are invited. Continuous cultural and educational activity is conducted by the members of the club. Video and theoretical lessons are held weekly.   

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